For the first time in Ballina’s musical history, a double reed ensemble will perform a serenade of virtuosic Baroque, Classical and Romantic works. Come along to hear the beguiling sound of four oboes, a cor anglais, eight bassoons and even a contraforte (one of only three in Australia!) with arrangements and original compositions by Mozart, Beethoven, Mussourgsky and Zelenka.

Hailing from Alstonville, bassoonist and artistic director Lyndon Watts is excited to present this concert together with a wonderful cohort of double reed students from the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, in what will be his first return performance to the North Coast of New South Wales in over three decades of professional music-making across the globe.





The program opens with three movements from Mozart’s Symphony No.25 (sometimes known as the “small” G minor symphony, in contrast to the larger, more famous one also in G minor). This arrangement skillfully uses the bassoon to portray the full palette of orchestral colours. Extremely virtuosic double-tonguing technique is required in the first movement in imitation of the fast tremolo string effects. The low, lugubrious nature of the bassoon lends itself well to the sombre character of the slow movement, followed by a vivacious finale bursting with energy from the first to last note. 

Beethoven’s Variations on Mozart’s famous tune “La ci darem la mano” show the mellow voice of the cor anglais supporting and interacting with the two oboes as they engage in an entertaining musical exchange full of contrasting character from one variation to the next.

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the bassoon and oboe featured prominently in all the major musical centers across Europe. A milestone of the repertoire, the six trio sonatas for two oboes and bassoon by Bohemian composer Jan Dismas Zelenka push each instrumentalist to the edge of their technical and musical capabilities. In the first movement of Sonata V, impressive cascades over the whole range of the bassoon are matched by breathless semiquaver passages in both oboe parts. The opening of Sonata VI showcases the innately lyrical, singing qualities of both instruments, before launching into another spellbinding technical tour de force in the second movement.

Our serenade concludes with the closing movements of one of the most popular works for orchestra, Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition, successfully merging both ancient and new styles of composition. The contraforte (one of only three in Australia!) provides a strong, deep foundation in this flashy, challenging version for bassoon ensemble.

Bassoonist and Artistic Director Lyndon Watts attended Alstonville High School, on the North Coast of New South Wales. At 16 he moved to Sydney on a music scholarship to attend Newington College. At 18 he moved to Munich, Germany, where he completed his studies and worked as principal bassoonist of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra for 18 years, before returning to Melbourne in 2016. Since 2019 he has been lecturing at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music (MCM), University of Melbourne, in bassoon, Early Music and Chamber Music.


Anika Weibgen is currently undertaking her Honours year at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, studying with Jeffrey Crellin. She previously learnt from Anne Gilby and Karen Lichnovsky. 

During her time at the Conservatorium she has played with the University of Melbourne Wind Symphony and Symphony Orchestra, including the orchestra’s recent international tour, performing in venues in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

At the beginning of 2023, Anika was a part of Melbourne Opera’s production of Wagner’s Ring Cycle. She has also performed with the Aussie Pops Orchestra, Macedon Chamber Orchestra, side by side projects with Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Melbourne Youth Orchestra (2018 & 2021) and Bendigo Symphony Orchestra. 

Jade WOLTER – Soloist

Jade is in her second year studying with Jeffrey Crellin at the Melbourne Conservatorium after completing her first year in Queensland with Eve Newsome. In 2023 she was a member of the Queensland Youth Symphony and toured with them in Singapore, Germany and Austria.

This year she’s enjoying playing in the University of Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonic Orchestra and Wind Symphony, most recently the Rite of Spring. 


Each Zhang is in his third year of studying with Lyndon Watts at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music. He has played with the Melbourne Youth Orchestra and the University of Melbourne’s Philharmonic Orchestra, Wind Symphony and Symphony Orchestra. Highlights include a regional tour to Geelong with the Wind Symphony in 2022, and the Symphony Orchestra’s 2023 international tour of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Each is also an enthusiastic chamber musician, having been a member of multiple wind quintets during his time at the Conservatorium.


Joshua is a music student at Melbourne University learning from Lyndon Watts and a former student of Anne Gilby and Sara Rafferton. Joshua has had a range of musical experiences ranging from playing in pit orchestras for amateur theatre to playing with MSO in its side by side program with MYO and playing in the University of Melbourne’s symphony orchestra. Joshua was principal bassoon of Melbourne Youth Orchestra during 2023 and enjoyed workshops with LSO and rehearsal with the internationally acclaimed Conductor Simon Rattle as part of the program. Additionally Joshua has performed with Zelman Symphony Orchestra and Bayside Chamber Orchestra and participated in the Young Manhein Symphonists program with ARCO on numerous occasions.


Serena Chen is a Melbourne oboist studying at the Melbourne Conservatorium of music with Jeffrey Crellin. She had previously studied with Anne Gilby before attending the University of Melbourne where she currently plays in the University of Melbourne Symphony orchestra, and the Wind Symphony. In the past she has frequently played with the Zelman Memorial Symphony Orchestra, the Camerata Orchestra, the Melbourne Youth Orchestras flagship ensemble (2019-2021), as well as toured Asia with the UniMelb Symphony orchestra. Serena thoroughly enjoys playing in orchestras for musicals, as well as in smaller chamber ensembles – placing in the grand finals of the Music a Viva Strike a Chord competition in 2022 and playing live on 3MBS radio with her colleagues.


Sierra began pursuing a Graduate Diploma in Music at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music this year under the guidance of Jeffrey Crellin. She has played with The University of Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and Wind Symphony.

Previously, Sierra learnt from Stephanie Dixon and joined ensembles such as the Melbourne Youth Orchestras and the Monash Academy Orchestra while completing a bachelor’s degree in a different field at Monash University.